

Who would have thought I'd be here so long. And I am happy I am :)
Today eight years ago I joined Second Life. It was a different world that days, it was (still is) interesting to see it grow, to see us grow with it or should I say, to see us make it grow :)
I am happier than ever being part of it. After 8 years it is such a big part of my life, I can not think of my life without SL.
So... to the next 8 years :D

Shopping list:

hair | Magika [Hair] Meadow
skin | Glam Affair - Angelica
eyes | IKON Ardent Eyes - Bone
freckles |  [PXL] FullBody freckles
lipstick | [PF] <Vanilla> - Lip Lustre - HI-C
glasses |  Reek - Junior Shades
shirt | coldLogic jacket - booker - earth
necklace | .Olive. the Folded Golden Paper Letter Necklace - <3 & S


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